From The Files Of... Words Over Faces Posters

If you are producing a poster in this day and age and it has someone's face on it then you must IMMEDIATELY WRITE WORDS ALL OVER IT. Ahem.

I Am Love suggested by Simon from Four Of Them.

The Adjustment Bureau poster added 18/02/11 courtesy of Row Three.

Thor poster added on 07/03/11 courtesy of HeyUGuys and IGN.

Thor poster added on 07/03/11 courtesy of HeyUGuys and IGN.

The King's Speech poster added 07/03/11 courtesy of Empire.

Carrie posted added on 15/10/12

'From the files of...': examining the nether regions of the movie world. With a big stick.


  1. You forget I Am Love, though that might be different because it's a group shot.

  2. Good spot Sir! Added, with credit.

  3. There's also one with the King's Speech, so far I've only seen it in newspapers, I can't find it anywhere online. I think it says Long live the King in a fashion that's reminiscent of the Social Network.

    Makes me wonder if it was done on purpose?

  4. I've also seen THE KING'S SPEECH one but only in a bus stop - like you, I couldn't find it for this. Think it said 'God Save The King' but you're right - it's something like that.

    I think the MICHAEL CLAYTON one was the first one and I would probably say it's just a trend in the design world rather than anything more deliberate - the films are all quite different in nature, although I'm sure you could probably argue that THE KING'S SPEECH needs to work quite hard to draw in THE SOCIAL NETWORK crowd so you never know - maybe there is something in it!
