Trailer Of The Week - Week #33

Its been a while since we've posted a 'bad' trailer. Call us full of positivity post-Inception or something. But this week saw us treated to not one but two really rather terrible trailers for what we can only imagine will be really rather terrible films. The Unstoppable trailer nearly made it on to these hallowed pages but it was pipped at the last minute by the trailer for Burning Bright, a film which a) features Meat Loaf and b) features the high concept plot of putting a tiger in a house and seeing what happens. If this two-minute trailer doesn't entice you then nothing will. No really, nothing will.

Trailer Of The Week is a regular Film Intel feature which picks a different tasty trailer of delectable goodness every week and presents it on Sunday for your viewing pleasure. Sometimes old, sometimes new, sometimes major, sometimes independent, sometimes brilliant, sometimes a load of old bobbins: always guaranteed to entertain. If you want to make a suggestion for Trailer Of The Week, see the contact us page.


  1. I saw this movie is being played at this years Fright Fest - and it seems to be the least scary of the lot. In comparison to some of the truly brutal looking movies they're putting on, 'Burning Bright' is going to look like a joke. Well, it already does, but it seems the filmmakers have taken it seriously. Very odd.

  2. Yeah, strange choice for FrightFest, can't imagine it getting a good reception but then I suppose I am being extremely prejudicial. Having said that, I shall be doing my best not to watch this.

  3. I agree completely. I'd be very surprised if people even bothered to go and see it to be honest. I reckon it'll definitely be a straight to DVD, straight to the bargain bin film. That's very prejudicial isn't it? Nevermind!

  4. Well, it seems like it'll be coming out in a few weeks regardless to we'll have to keep an eye out for reviews and see how right/wrong we were!
