5. The Informant

Damon plays an awkwardly gawky (is there any other way to be gawky?) whistle blower working undercover for the F.B.I. A comedy version of The Insider beckons with early trailers looking at a level of hilarity somewhere between slapstick and Ricky Gervais.
Verdict: Potentially the funniest film of the year or a pitfall for Damon back into Stuck On You territory
4. The Box

Donnie Darko Director Kelly returns with Marsden, Diaz and Langela in tow. The Box in question has a button which credits the Marsden/Diaz couplet with $1million but kills someone somewhere in the world. Looks less convoluted than Darko but appearances can be deceptive.
Verdict: Darko fans will flock and return satisfyingly enlightened or muttering sweet nothings and asking for Kelly to make a rom-com as his next.
3. Dorian Gray

A high entry for Dorian Gray but this is one of the most important, yet underrated, books in English Literature. Trailer hints at a tone on the right side of dark and key to making it palatable will be to keep Wilde's wry humour without making it overly camp. Ben Barnes and Colin Firth are good casting choices.
Verdict: A period drama for the ages and making of Barnes or disappointing adaptation that nobody dares attempt again for another 10 years.
2. The Road

Early trailers and plot leaks had me unimpressed by The Road but recent updates have made me take another look. Viggo Mortensen plays a father trying to navigate his son through post-apocalyptic America. Early Oscar buzz suggest it could be a major winner.
Verdict: One of the years best or actually I can no longer see an or for this. It will be one of the years best (he says, confidently).
1. Avatar

Which had to be number one. Everyone from Avatar's Director James Cameron to Steven Speilberg is talking it up as amazing. Recent early-release footage, shown only to a select few behind closed doors also seems to have got the critical elite on its side. Almost viral style marketing campaign, keeping the plot under wraps until the last minute has skyrocketed expectation and publicity. The fact that this could be the first serious film in 3D is also exciting and will prove a measure of the genre. There will not be a bigger film than this this year.
Verdict: The most important film of the year which lays the way forward for cinema in the 21st century or the death knell for 3D cinema's comeback.
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